I actually care about raising those little buggers now. I will give Sonic Team one thing, though: The new Chao raising option (where you can download your monsters to your GBA) works so much better than the old DC VMU option. Changing the main focus to exploration and shooting-based multiplayer minigames was not the best move. This series has always been about running really fast through lots of loops and cool obstacles. And I'm sorry, but the extra multiplayer levels they added for this version don't help matters at all. But the niggling control problems caused by the sometimes-erratic camera angles tend to keep you from falling in love with the experience after they've caused the death of Sonic or his friends for the hundredth time. Don't get me wrong-SA2 is still an extremely solid, playable game.

So you'd think that Sonic Team might spend some time fixing all the camera problems that plagued Sonic Adventure 2 on the Dreamcast, or even balancing the game to the point where you'd spend less time flying around searching for emeralds, and more time playing as Sonic or Shadow. Being able to rerelease some of their biggest titles on different platforms means a whole new stew of gamers could become big Sega fans.